Mistral Shipping

Couverture mondiale

image mistralshipping
Mistral global

A l’international nous sommes à vos côtés !

Imagine working in a global company, handling a number of shipments in various locations; would you like to talk to five different people in five different countries, with different time zones to get answers for your logistics requirements? We are sure the answer is NO ? That is why Mistral Shipping is the answer to your global logistics challenges. With a centralised multilingual team located in the GMT Time zone, we offer a single communication channel to all your international enquiries. Our team work round-the-clock to find you suitable, innovative and cost effective solutions to move your cargo from and to any place in the world in a safely and effective way.


Mistral Shipping


Nous avons un unique réseau de correspondants nous permettant d’avoir une couverture mondiale pour le transport, dédouanement et livraisons de tous types de produits partout dans le monde.
Qu’importe l’origine ou la destination, nos agents sur le terrain possèdent une expertise et connaissance unique des règlementations locales dans chaque pays faisant de nos transports toujours un succès.
Dans notre domaine, la communication efficace est la clé du succès, c’est pour cette raison que notre équipe travaille 24/7, en contact permanent avec tous les parties intervenantes, des clients et des fournisseurs jusqu’aux lignes maritimes et aériennes partout dans le monde.
Assistance 24/7
Suivi en ligne
L'assurance des marchandises
image mistralshipping
Coverage of over
0 Countries
Working round-the-clock top ship your urgent cargo
0 Operation team
Mistral Shipping


We have a unique network of agents enabling us to have a global coverage for the transport, clearance and delivery of any types of goods worldwide.

Whatever the origin or the destination, our agents on the field have a unique expertise and knowledge of local rules and regulations which makes our deliveries always a success.

In our field, effective communication is key to success, which is why our back office work 24/7, liaising with all parties concerned, from clients, and suppliers to shipowners and airlines worldwide.

Support 24/7
Online Tracking
Cargo Insurance
Coverage of over
0 Countries
Working round-the-clock top ship your urgent cargo
0 Operation team